Saturday, 3 January 2009


a wolf must always
be a wolf
for if a wolf should try to change
in deference to polite society
he would not become a lamb
he would only be
a sad and lonely wolf
separated from his own identity
in a futile wish to please others
longing in the quiet hours
for the forest, the dark, the hunt
remembering others of his ilk
existed still
in the freedom of their self expression
for the way of the wolf
is a matter of pride
he controls his fear and shows his fangs
if the pack reject him
he will hunt alone
let the lamb be the lamb
to gentleness bred
do not ask the wolf to change
for a world without wolves
would be less
and society would have
a lamb in their midst
who in the dark of the night
would still howl for the moon
All materials Copyright © 2004-2008 by Eryll Oellermann

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