Sunday, 4 January 2009

the hunt

what calls us to the hunt
the eager baying of the hounds
following their instincts
does it feed our blood lust

the thundering rhythm
of man and horse in motion
ploughing through fields
of future intent
is this the fascination

the thought of the kill
does this inflame our passions
would we leave this place
with blood on our hands

for to hunt on horses
with dogs
is hardly an act of intrepidness
when the prey is
a fox
indeed, a killer in his own right
with a blood lust all his own

clever, wiley and fast
but no ravenous man killer
hardly a worthy opponent
for an educated man

and still we persist
for it is our custom
drawn from our savage history
the last justifiable kill

so play the many against the one
follow the pack until he tires
when the courage of his heart
can no longer deny
the exhaustion of his body
watch him taken, torn and rent
enjoy the kill
wash the blood from your hands

All materials Copyright © 2004-2008 by Eryll Oellermann

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