Tuesday, 6 January 2009

the caterpillar

photo by scotproof (flikr)

i watched a caterpillar today

he definitely knew where he was going

perhaps he was a she

do caterpillars even have he's and she's

i will play god and decide, he was a he

he moved with purpose, he had a mission

what brings such focus to the mind of a caterpillar

does a caterpillar even have a mind

or is it merely instinct in action

my caterpillar was black and very hairy

with a bright orange stripe down his back

no hanging back, he had places to be

things to do, what things

he ignored every bit of greenery in his way

a pile of roses, thrown away, faded, dead

my caterpillar did not even deign to pause

a container full of vegetable peelings

ready for the compost heap

slowed him down a little

only because it blocked his chosen path

he made his rapid way along a fence post

lying forgotten on the ground

he reached the end

and launched his caterpillar body into space

only the purchase of his back legs

kept him from falling

his caterpillar head waved up

and down and side to side

seeking ... i wonder what

whatever he was looking for , he found it

with multiple leg movements

he dismounted the fence post

and disappeared, leaving me wondering

i guess the ultimate destination of a caterpillar

is to become a butterfly

a beautiful, fairy winged creature

to float and hover and breed

All materials Copyright © 2004-2008 by Eryll Oellermann


  1. to float and hover and breed

    For the gay ones, can we just see them floating and hovering?

    Nice new bunker ya got here.

  2. This is totally my cuppa milk. I dig it!

  3. I really like this one. I could see the caterpillar on the post.
