Thursday 2 August 2012

i remember

i remember
the first words
full of bravado and bullshit
sent to a stranger
across the sea
i remember
the last angry words
burned indelible
on heart and mind
i remember inbetween
words of love and passion
anger and dismay

because i love you
i remember
because i love you
i will never forget
the first time, the airport
the rose in your hand
my fear and relief when i knew
that my body loves your body
as much as my mind
loves you
strangers meeting
lovers forever

i remember the parting
the last, the final
tight aching chest
choking in an effort
to be still
to leave unsaid the words
which longed to speak
begging love
to stay forever
tears which should have fallen
spilling as i turned
and left one last time

in this world
you are lost to me
in my world you remain
mine forever
the temptress,gazing hungry
exposing beloved flesh
hating the addiction
sharing the smoke
wine stained lips
flashing eyes inviting
forever irristible

in the world of my mind
we debate, discuss and disagree
we talk and touch
our hands intertwine
our lips know the softness
of the other's caress
we hold tight to one another
and make love
with the impetuosity of passion
the soft gentleness of always
for this time of loving
was never our first nor ever our last

in our together
in my dream space
i found you absent
in our apart
in the embrace of sleep
we still share
the dance of love
my arms hold you close
and you breath
one last time
the words of love
i forever hunger to hear

Copyright © 2011 by Eryll Oellermann

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